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Witten by Cecile Gabrielle Gregoire
Illustrated by Maggy Pierre Pelissier

"The Amazing Alphabet Book of the Last Dodo Bird" is a creative take on the classic ABC book. The last dodo bird takes readers on a surrealistic, whimsical, A to Z journey through the animal kingdom. Each letter is brought to life with spectacular illustrations of a myriad of animals, reptiles, and insects— many of which are on the path to extinction just like the dodos.

The Amazing Alphabet Book of the Last Dodo Bird: Projects
Alpha Small Asset for WEB.tif
Bravo small asset for WEB design.tif
Charly small asset for WEB design.tif
Delta small asset for WEB design.tif
Echo small asset for WEB design.tif
Foxtrot small asset for WEB design.tif
Golf small asset for WEB design.tif
Hotel small asset for WEB design.tif
India small asset for WEB design.tif
Juliet small asset for WEB design.tif
Kilo small asset for WEB design.tif
Lima small asset for WEB design.tif
Mike small asset for WEB design.tif
November small asset for WEB design.tif
Oscar small asset for WEB design.tif
Papa small asset for WEB design.tif
Quebec small asset for WEB design.tif
Romeo small asset for WEB design.tif
Sierra small asset for WEB design.tif
Tango small asset for WEB design.tif
Uniform small asset for WEB design.tif
Victor small asset for WEB design.tif
Wisky small asset for WEB design.tif
Xray small asset for WEB design.tif
Yankee small asset for WEB design.tif
Zulu small asset for WEB design.tif
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